Cursillos in Christianity
Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan

Cursillo Formation Workshops (CFW)
The task of the Cursillo Team is to provide each Cursillo Candidate a foundation to live what is fundamental for being Christian. This is accomplished by presenting the Cursillo Method as a means to make it possible.
To that end, it is necessary that each team member has an understanding of the essential elements of the Cursillo Movement. The book Fundamental Ideas is where we go to learn about Cursillo.
Throughout the Team Formation process, there will be reading assignments from Fundamental Ideas. Every team member is encouraged to own a copy. At the first team meeting in September, those without a copy will be lent one of the latest edition (white jacket with red cross). You may purchase it if you wish or return it to the Rector at the end of the Cursillo Weekend.
For those without a book, the reading assignment for the first team meeting can be found by clicking the link provide here.